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For some time, I have wanted to interview figures whose paths I have crossed or with whom I have worked: scholars, writers, artists, musicians, filmmakers, rappers from Africa and its Diaspora. The idea is to make these filmed interviews accessible to as many people as possible. In 2017, when the eminent intellectual Abiola Irele joined the Ancestors, I was struck to find out that no one had filmed his many discussions to better understand the development of his concepts for our times as well as future generations. And I was guilty of it myself, because during my stay in 2011 at Kwara State University where he was dean, while I was thinking about how important it would be to interview him, I had not taken the steps to have the material available, believing that better equipped people had done this.

In June 2019, I decided to overturn this situation, especially since Ambroise Kom had been invited to Geneva by a literary organization. Thanks to the Cultural Activities of the University of Geneva, I got started, despite an inexistant budget. And it was proposed I add the letters HT to the word Archiving to stand for High Tension (in French the word tension refers to voltage).


In summary, the goal is to give the opportunity to hear key personalities, women and men, established or young artists/activists who are implementing bold strategies, develop their concepts so we can better understand their contributions at this crucial time and find inspiring concepts to deal more insightfully with problems faced.


Elom 20ce
2023 (déc.)   Elom 20ce, rappeur, cinéaste, styliste: détournements au creux des bruissements du monde, épisode 1, réalisation Tissières
Nú Barreto
2023         Nú Barreto, Sur le fil, Tableau 1: Caricature et sketch, réalisation Tissières

Nú  Barreto, Sur le fil, Tableau 1: Caricature et sketch
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Nú  Barreto, Sur le fil, Tableau 1: Caricature et sketch

Nú Barreto, Sur le fil, Tableau 1: Caricature et sketch

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Nú  Barreto, Sur le fil, Tableau 2: Objets et animaux narratifs

Nú Barreto, Sur le fil, Tableau 2: Objets et animaux narratifs

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Nú  Barreto, Sur le Fil, Tableau 3: Couleurs et drapeaux

Nú Barreto, Sur le Fil, Tableau 3: Couleurs et drapeaux

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Moussa Tchangari
2023        Moussa Tchangari, Association Alternative Espaces Citoyens, Niamey, réalisation Tissières et Bakabé
Métaphore Crew

2021        Lion and Lus-D of Metaphore Crew: rap, Niger, 4 scrunches, direction Oumarou and Tissières

Diassibo Tchiombiano

2021          Diassibo Tchiombiano, musicien, peintre et acteur culturel. Chapitre 1: Galerie Taweydo, Niamey, réalisation Tissières et Bakabé

Gino Sitson

2019 (Nov.)        Gino Sitson: jazz musician-composer and researcher, 3 chapters, direction Tissières

Ambroise Kom

2019 (June)        Ambroise Kom: Cameroonian scholar, 8 chapters, direction Tissières

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© 2022 Hélène Tissières

Scholar, curator, writer

Design Thomas Messmer

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